Khmer Web
E-commerce App Development & Testing
$1055 for this job
Bid on this job
Job location: Jakarta, Indonesia
Closing date: 25/3/2024
Skill needed: PHP, Android, Mobile App Development, iPhone, Software Architecture

I'm seeking a skilled Android developer to focus on the development and testing stages of my e-commerce app. The primary tasks include:


• Developing core functionalities of the app

• Testing to ensure optimal performance


The app must include:

• An extensive product catalogue

• A secure payment gateway


If you are experienced in e-commerce app development and have proficiency in ensuring secure financial transactions, I encourage you to bid for this project. Experience with creating comprehensive product catalogues is also highly valued.

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Classified Web Page Development
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Industrial Goods eCommerce on Next.js
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Need an e-Giftcard selling website built on Laravel or NodeJS
₹70,020 INR for this job
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Comprehensive Coaching Services Website Creation
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Job location: Bengaluru, India
Closing date: 25/3/2024