A route to user page is already defined. We can use this route to pull user data from MongoDB database through a method in model folder. We could define this method as below:


// controller/admin/user.js
import config from '../../config.js'
import userDB from '../../model/user.js'

class User{
        (async ()=>{
            this.config = await config()

    async getItem(req,res){
        this.config.pageTitle = 'ទំព័រអ្នក​ប្រើប្រាស់'
        this.config.route = '/admin/user'
        this.config.type = 'user'

        this.config.count = await userDB.count(req)
        this.config.items = await userDB.getItem(req,this.config.maxPosts)


    async postItem(req,res){


export default await new User()


// model/user.js
import bcrypt from 'bcryptjs'

class User{
    async count(req){
        return await req.mydb.collection('users').countDocuments()

    async postItem(req){
        const id = Date.now() + Math.round(Math.random() * 1E9).toString()
        const hashPassword = bcrypt.hashSync(req.body.password, 12)

        let newUser = {
            id: id, 
            title: req.body.title,
            content: req.body.content,
            thumb: req.body.thumb,
            postdate: req.body.datetime,
            role: req.body.category,
            email: req.body.email,
            password: hashPassword,
        await req.mydb.collection("users").insertOne(newUser)

    async getItem(req,amount){
        return await req.mydb.collection('users').find().sort({date:-1,_id:-1}).limit(amount).toArray()

export default new User()



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