By Fresh authors


Routes actually consist of two parts: handlers, and the page component. Up to now, only the page component has been discussed in this chapter.


Handlers are functions in the form of Request => Response or Request => Promise<Response> that are called when a request is made to a particular route. There can be one handler that covers all HTTP methods or one handler per method.


The handler has access to the Request object that backs the request to the route and must return a Response object. The response object can either be created manually (for example a JSON response for an API route), or it can be created by rendering the page component. By default, all routes that don't define a custom handler use a default handler that just renders the page component.


To define a handler in a route module, one must export it as a named export with the name handler. Handlers can have two forms: a plain function (catchall for all HTTP methods) or a plain object where each property is a function named by the HTTP method it handles.


Here is an example of a custom GET handler that renders the page component and then adds a custom header to the response before returning it:


// routes/about.tsx

/** @jsx h */
import { h } from "preact";
import { Handlers } from "$fresh/server.ts";

export const handler: Handlers = {
  async GET(req, ctx) {
    const resp = await ctx.render();
    resp.headers.set("X-Custom-Header", "Hello");
    return resp;

export default function AboutPage() {
  return (
      <p>This is the about page.</p>


Note that handlers do not need to call ctx.render(). This feature can be used to create API routes. Here is an API route that returns a random UUID as a JSON response:


// routes/api/random-uuid.ts

import { Handlers } from "$fresh/server.ts";

export const handler: Handlers = {
  GET(req) {
    const uuid = crypto.randomUUID();
    return new Response(JSON.stringify(uuid), {
      headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" },