Authenticating user is the process of checking and verifying to see if a given user was registered in the database or not. If he/she was registered, we can write code to allow him/her to get into the restricted areas on the website.


When a user is authenticated, we can create a session to save his/her user data on the cloud in Redis Enterprise database. And for security matter, we can encode user data in a JSON web token (JWT) before saving this token in Redis database on the cloud.


For the reference to the token, we can create a session id using uuid module from Python standard library and store it in a signed cookie. Doing so, the cookie can be seen but cannot be modified. Moreover, we can check to see whether a user was authenticated or not by using session id to pull the JWT from Redis database in order to decode it and see if a user data was encoded into the JWT or not. if the user was authenticated, he/she can go straight into the restricted areas without signing in again.


# routes/frontend/

from bottle import Bottle, get, post, redirect
from controllers.frontend.login import Login

app = Bottle()
login = Login()

def getLogin():
        return redirect("/admin/post")
        return login.getPage()"/")
def postLogin():
    return login.postItem()


# controllers/frontend/

import config, copy, hashlib, jwt, uuid
from datetime import datetime, timezone, timedelta
from bottle import template, request, response, redirect
from models.user import User

class Login:
    def __init__(self):
        settings = copy.deepcopy(config.settings)
        self.setup = settings()
        self.redis = config.redis
        self.secret_key = config.secret_key
        self.user = User()

    def getPage(self):
        self.setup["pageTitle"] = "Log into Admin Page"
        self.setup["route"] = "/login"

        return template("base", data=self.setup)

    def checkLogged(self):
        sessionid = request.get_cookie('sessionid', secret=self.secret_key)
        encoded_jwt = self.redis.get(sessionid) 
            payload = jwt.decode(encoded_jwt, self.secret_key, algorithms=["HS256"])
                return True
        except jwt.ExpiredSignatureError:
            return False

    def postItem(self):
        password = request.forms.getunicode('password')
        email = request.forms.getunicode('email')

        user = self.user.checkUser(email)
        if user:
            passw = hashlib.sha512(password.encode("utf-8") + user["salt"]).hexdigest()
            if(passw == user["password"]):
                self.setup["pageTitle"] = 'Post Page'

                payload = {"userid": user["id"], "role": user["role"]}
                exp = + timedelta(seconds=60*60*24*15)
                myjwt = jwt.encode({"user": payload, "exp": exp }, self.secret_key, algorithm="HS256")
                sessionid = uuid.uuid4().hex
                self.redis.set(sessionid, myjwt)
                self.redis.expire(sessionid, 60*60*24*15)
                response.set_cookie('sessionid', sessionid, path='/', secret=self.secret_key)

                return redirect('/admin/post')
                self.setup["pageTitle"] = 'Log into Admin Page'
                self.setup['message'] = 'Your password is wrong!'
                self.setup['route'] = '/login'
                return template("base", data=self.setup)
            self.setup["pageTitle"] = 'Log into Admin Page'
            self.setup['message'] = 'Your Email is wrong!'
            self.setup['route'] = '/login'
            return template("base", data=self.setup)


# models/

import config, hashlib, uuid
from bottle import request

class User:
    def __init__(self):
        self.db = config.conndb()

    def createRootUser(self):
        raw_salt = uuid.uuid4().hex
        password = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx".encode('utf-8')
        salt = raw_salt.encode('utf-8')
        hashed_password = hashlib.sha512(password + salt).hexdigest()

        user = { 
            "id": uuid.uuid4().hex, 
            "title": 'Guest',
            "content": '',
            "thumb": '',
            "date": '',
            "role": 'Guest',
            "email": '',
            "salt": salt,
            "password": hashed_password,


    def checkUser(self, email):
        return self.db["users"].find_one({ 'email': email })


