Filter in Jinja2 language is a kind of function able to modify the variable next to it. There are many predefined filters in Jinja2 template engine, and we do not need to use all of them.


from sanic import Sanic
from sanic.response import html
from jinja2 import Environment,PackageLoader,select_autoescape

app = Sanic.get_app('Khmerweb')
app.static("/static", "static")
app.ctx.template = Environment(loader=PackageLoader("index"),autoescape=select_autoescape())

async def home(req):
    kdict = {}
    kdict['siteTitle'] = 'Khmer Web'
    kdict['pageTitle'] = 'Home Page'
    kdict['info'] = '<b>Welcome to Khmer Web Sanic!</b>'

    template = app.ctx.template.get_template("base.html")

    return html(template.render(data=kdict))


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="UTF-8"/>
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"/>
    <title>{{data['siteTitle']}} | {{data['pageTitle']}}</title>