By Redis Team
Let's create a truly RESTful API with the CRUD operations mapping to PUT, GET, POST, and DELETE respectively. We're going to do this using Express Routers as this makes our code nice and tidy. Create a file called person-router.js in the routers folder and in it import Router from Express and personRepository from person.js. Then create and export a Router:
import { Router } from 'express'
import { personRepository } from '../om/person.js'
export const router = Router()
Imports and exports done, let's bind the router to our Express app. Open up server.js and import the Router we just created:
/* import routers */
import { router as personRouter } from './routers/person-router.js'
Then add the personRouter to the Express app:
/* bring in some routers */
app.use('/person', personRouter)
Your server.js should now look like this:
import 'dotenv/config'
import express from 'express'
import swaggerUi from 'swagger-ui-express'
import YAML from 'yamljs'
/* import routers */
import { router as personRouter } from './routers/person-router.js'
/* create an express app and use JSON */
const app = new express()
/* bring in some routers */
app.use('/person', personRouter)
/* set up swagger in the root */
const swaggerDocument = YAML.load('api.yaml')
app.use('/', swaggerUi.serve, swaggerUi.setup(swaggerDocument))
/* start the server */
Now we can add our routes to create, read, update, and delete persons. Head back to the person-router.js file so we can do just that.
We'll create a person first as you need to have persons in Redis before you can do any of the reading, writing, or removing of them. Add the PUT route below. This route will call .createAndSave() to create a Person from the request body and immediately save it to the Redis:
router.put('/', async (req, res) => {
const person = await personRepository.createAndSave(req.body)
Note that we are also returning the newly created Person. Let's see what that looks like by actually calling our API using the Swagger UI. Go to http://localhost:8080 in your browser and try it out. The default request body in Swagger will be fine for testing. You should see a response that looks like this:
"firstName": "Rupert",
"lastName": "Holmes",
"age": 75,
"verified": false,
"location": {
"longitude": 45.678,
"latitude": 45.678
"locationUpdated": "2022-03-01T12:34:56.123Z",
"skills": [
"personalStatement": "I like piña coladas and walks in the rain"
This is exactly what we handed it with one exception: the entityId. Every entity in Redis OM has an entity ID which is—as you've probably guessed—the unique ID of that entity. It was randomly generated when we called .createAndSave(). Yours will be different, so make note of it.
You can see this newly created JSON document in Redis with RedisInsight. Go ahead and launch RedisInsight and you should see a key with a name like Person:01FY9MWDTWW4XQNTPJ9XY9FPMN. The Person bit of the key was derived from the class name of our entity and the sequence of letters and numbers is our generated entity ID. Click on it to take a look at the JSON document you've created.
You'll also see a key named Person:index:hash. That's a unique value that Redis OM uses to see if it needs to recreate the index or not when .createIndex() is called. You can safely ignore it.
Create down, let's add a GET route to read this newly created Person:
router.get('/:id', async (req, res) => {
const person = await personRepository.fetch(
This code extracts a parameter from the URL used in the route—the entityId that we received previously. It uses the .fetch() method on the personRepository to retrieve a Person using that entityId. Then, it returns that Person.
Let's go ahead and test that in Swagger as well. You should get back exactly the same response. In fact, since this is a simple GET, we should be able to just load the URL into our browser. Test that out too by navigating to http://localhost:8080/person/01FY9MWDTWW4XQNTPJ9XY9FPMN, replacing the entity ID with your own.
Now that we can read and write, let's implement the REST of the HTTP verbs. REST... get it?
Let's add the code to update a person using a POST route:'/:id', async (req, res) => {
const person = await personRepository.fetch(
person.firstName = req.body.firstName ?? null
person.lastName = req.body.lastName ?? null
person.age = req.body.age ?? null
person.verified = req.body.verified ?? null
person.location = req.body.location ?? null
person.locationUpdated = req.body.locationUpdated ?? null
person.skills = req.body.skills ?? null
person.personalStatement = req.body.personalStatement ?? null
This code fetches the Person from the personRepository using the entityId just like our previous route did. However, now we change all the properties based on the properties in the request body. If any of them are missing, we set them to null. Then, we call .save() and return the changed Person.
Let's test this in Swagger too, why not? Make some changes. Try removing some of the fields. What do you get back when you read it after you've changed it?
Deletion—my favorite! Remember kids, deletion is 100% compression. The route that deletes is just as straightforward as the one that reads, but much more destructive:
router.delete('/:id', async (req, res) => {
await personRepository.remove(
res.send({ entityId: })
I guess we should probably test this one out too. Load up Swagger and exercise the route. You should get back JSON with the entity ID you just removed:
And just like that, it's gone!
Do a quick check with what you've written so far. Here's what should be the totality of your person-router.js file:
import { Router } from 'express'
import { personRepository } from '../om/person.js'
export const router = Router()
router.put('/', async (req, res) => {
const person = await personRepository.createAndSave(req.body)
router.get('/:id', async (req, res) => {
const person = await personRepository.fetch(
})'/:id', async (req, res) => {
const person = await personRepository.fetch(
person.firstName = req.body.firstName ?? null
person.lastName = req.body.lastName ?? null
person.age = req.body.age ?? null
person.verified = req.body.verified ?? null
person.location = req.body.location ?? null
person.locationUpdated = req.body.locationUpdated ?? null
person.skills = req.body.skills ?? null
person.personalStatement = req.body.personalStatement ?? null
router.delete('/:id', async (req, res) => {
await personRepository.remove(
res.send({ entityId: })